Test your work zone safety knowledge and take the quiz below.
At 65 MPH, the stopping distance of a semi-truck is ____ % greater than the stopping distance of a passenger vehicle. Make sure you give trucks enough space to come to a complete stop.
On average 95% of work zone related fatalities are road users.
Work zone speed limits in Illinois are in effect:
Only when workers are present
24 hours a day, where posted
Only during the daytime
None of the above
One of the most common crashes in a work zone is:
Hitting a barrier wall
Running off the road
On average, how many work zone related fatalities occur nationwide every year?
0 to 199
200 to 499
500 to 699
The penalty for hitting a worker in a work zone in Illinois is up to:
$10,000 and 14 years in prison
$25,000 and 14 years in jail
What can be a distraction while driving in a work zone?
Other passengers
All of the above
It is very important to do which of the following while driving in a work zone:
Slow down
Eliminate distractions
Pay attention to changing conditions
All of the above
A work zone begins at the first warning sign (orange sign with black text) that indicates a work zone is ahead.
Scott’s Law states that users need to slow down, and if possible, change lanes for stopped emergency vehicles, maintenance vehicles or stranded vehicles with the hazard lights on.
When approaching a lane closure a driver must
Always line up into the open lane early
Always merge like a zipper
Merge like a zipper when there is congestion
Merge early into the open lane when traffic is free flowing
Both C and D
When approaching a work zone, a driver should give heavy vehicles plenty of room to adjust to conditions because heavy vehicles:
Are involved in nearly 40% of fatal work zone crashes
Require more time to slow down and longer distance to merge
May have limited visibility of the surrounding traffic
All of the above
When directed to use both lanes in advance to a lane closure, drivers should _____ at the merge point.
Take turns
Leave as little space between you and the vehicle in front
Avoid making eye contact with other drivers
Fight for position
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