IDOT NEWSFLASH: Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference for 64B80-091 on the
November Letting
64B80 (Item 91)
A pre-bid conference has been scheduled for Tuesday, November 8, 2011 at
This meeting will be held at:
District 2
Lawrence Brothers Building
2 First Avenue
Sterling, IL 61081
The pre-bid meeting is MANDATORY for all prime contractors who plan to submit
bids on the following contract. Attendance will be taken. The prime contractor
must sign in at the pre-bid conference in order to be authorized to bid on the
Contract 64B80-091 IL 40 (1st Avenue) – Structure replacement over the Rock
River between the cities of Rock Falls and Sterling, Whiteside County, IL
The purpose of this conference is to allow contractors to gain access to the
interior of the garage that is to be removed and to discuss other unique
elements of the project. Representatives from IDOT District Two will be in
attendance to answer questions related to the project. Contractors are
encouraged to e-mail such questions to
Faith.Duncan@illinois.gov in
advance of the meeting.
Also, please be aware that there a PLA has been added to this contract.